Good health is confusing
(or at least that's what all the advertisements had me thinking.)
Why are there so many programs, products, diets, and information out there today? What am I supposed to be doing? Do I really need to buy all that? How do I know what even works for ME?
If there was a vitamin someone said would help, I bought it. If there was some mantra sworn to relieve anxiety, I would say it. Some efforts might have prompted short-term change, but none of it lasted. I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. It felt like I was missing out on my true potential, like I wasn't living my best life.
Fed up, I decided to take my approach to health in a new direction.
Many of us start with a mass-marketed vitamin, drug, procedure, diet, or something else we're told will fix our problem. But these "quick fixes" often don't address the root of the illness, aren't sustainable, and aren't tailored to our unique body situations.
Here are 3 concepts I discovered through my own struggle and comeback that changed how I see health (all of which aren't talked about nearly enough in the medical industry):​
1. The body and soul are NOT separate entities; health issues are deeply integrated between the body, mind, AND soul. Focusing on just one while ignoring the others won't work (or at least for very long).
2. God perfectly created us: unique and with all the tools we need to care for our bodies. Many of us haven't been taught how to sincerely listen to and understand what our selves are REALLY craving.
3. Yes, you DO have the ability to heal yourself. Lifelong meds, surgeries, or living with the mindset of "I just have to live with it" are not normal! Your body is more intelligent and you are more capable of being self-sufficient than you likely believe.
As a certified health coach with a unique Christian perspective, I've found true, lasting health happens together on the inside AND outside. No matter where you are on your journey of life, I'm ready to walk with you in the direction you want to go. Become self-sufficient. Take control of your own wellbeing. Gain the knowledge and confidence to understand your unique body and how to best take care of it.
Let's go find your Garden of Eden in the jungle of today.
About Nikki
"To live means feeding the body, but to be ALIVE means feeding the soul." - Nikki Kochanowski
After struggling with chronic and undiagnosable health issues, I realized modern medicine was not my answer.
My options were to get on meds with questionable side effects, or be told "there's nothing you can do, that's just how your body is." ​ Don't get me wrong- we NEED doctors and pharmaceuticals (nothing compares when treating acute illnesses and injuries). But when it came to just wanting to feel better overall, nothing was helping. In fact, some things got worse. That's when I embarked on the journey to understand my own body and what it REALLY needs.
I ended up going from a career in the animal science and equine industry to this new and daunting field of human wellness, where I became increasingly fascinated and frustrated. The deeper I dove, the more I kept thinking, "why have I never heard about that? Why don't they tell people this?" As my eyes were opened and I began to heal myself, I realized God had gifted my health struggles so that I could learn from them. I decided the best way to use my experience was becoming a certified health coach, one who would exhibiting both kindness AND integrity.
I fully believe you know your body better than anyone else, that YOU have the power to care for YOU. As your coach, I aim to provide as much support and guidance needed to help you get there (and stay there).
Ready to take your health in a new direction? Let's go together.
*Nikki and Gensis West are not licensed healthcare providers and do not engage in patient diagnosis or the practice of medicine. Any information shared is not to take the place of a licensed doctor or medical professional. Any lifestyle changes are at your own discretion and should first be consulted with your health provider. *